With His Stripes We Are Healed Worship Flag

Gail Patterson

This Worship Flag, “Healed” was created to proclaim simply Isaiah 53:5. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.

The Future Healing Explosion

"The way the Body of Christ ministers healing will change. One of the main emphases over the last few decades has been the faith of the person seeking healing. This emphasis is Biblical (see for example Matthew 9:22, 28-29, Mark 5:36, 9:23-24, 10:52, Luke 17:19), but God's intense love for people is an even deeper foundation.

Faith is an open-hearted response to the love of God. The core meaning of the Greek word for faith is trustLove is the environment in which trust flourishes. If people know how much God loves them, faith follows naturally. We need to be careful we don't put people through mental gymnastics in their attempt to have enough faith. A couple of important questions to ask ourselves are:

  • Do we treat people with care and respect?
  • Do people feel loved or condemned after we have ministered to them?

Nobody would have been healed under Jesus' ministry if He hadn't left Heaven and come to earth. Love motivated Him to come. Faith is our response to His incredible love. When the ministry of healing is firmly established on the foundation of the Father's love, demonstrations of power will be unprecedented. Healing will not remain on the sidelines. The nations will be embraced with the Father's healing, mercy and compassion."

Nathan Shaw
Heart of David Ministries

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