7th International Christian Dance & Creative Arts Conference- with Praise and Worship Banners – July 2009

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I was inspired to create the Keys of the Kingdom Banner as I read in the Bible. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed. Christians have the Keys to the Kingdom to unlock treasures in the spirit and close doors to evil. Matt.16:19 (Message Bible) reads, “You will have complete and free access to God’s Kingdom, Keys to open any and every door; no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is a yes in heaven. A no on earth is a no in heaven.” I quote Paul Roman, “The Bible defines the Church not as a building but a people called out for a purpose and a relationship. The Greek word for Church, ekklessia, has in its original meaning legislative connotations. The elders would sit at the city gates and legislate what would happen in Israel. They were being the ekklessia. In the New Testament, Jesus spoke to Peter saying that He has given the keys of the Kingdom to His ekklessia. The Church has the power to allow or disallow what comes into our nation through prayer. The ekklessia of God legislates through prayer. Let me paint a picture of what this idea looks like based on the true meaning of these words. In our fellowship in Albany, Oregon, a mom heard about her son having to deliver pizzas to a strip club. Godly indignation rose up in her and she called the church to pray, and just days later the strip club was shut down. This is an example of the Church being a force of spiritual legislation. The lifting of the Keys of the Kingdom Banner CHURCH BANNERS AND WORSHIP FLAGS is a rallying point for the Body of Jesus Christ to step into her rightful position of being an Ambasador of Jesus Christ legislating his will on earth.”
May 3, 2012 was a beautiful day as people gathered at Shain Park in Birmingham, Michigan for the National Day of Prayer. Banners and flags were lifted up by the people. The Colorful Scriptural Worship Banners themselves were also crying out in the heavenly realm when raised; our God is able and willing to deliver us as we humbled ourselves in prayer and asked God to forgive us and heal our land; many proclamations were declared over the United States and Michigan. We called upon God’s wisdom to transform our Government and our businesses. Prayer went up for our President to have the mind of Christ. Prayers for our children, and people in destitute situations were prayed. Our prayers lifted up churches and Pastors, asking God for a visitation of his Spirit to bring awakening to transform our nation. We asked God for salvation for the souls of Americans. We cried out for Americans to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, for righteousness exalts a nation. Most importantly we also lifted up Israel in their time of need and prayed that our government would stand strong in our commitment to Israel. The shofar was blown that brought real release in the spirit over all that was prayed for.
May, 2012 WORSHIP Banner Conference in Emmetten, Switzerland. (near Lucerne)
As we formed a circle overlooking breathtaking view of Lake Lucerne in prayer and worship to the Lord for the country of Switzerland we all felted honored to be able to stand with our Swiss brothers and sisters to see the heaven shift and become rightly aligned with their God given purpose and destiny as a country.
One hundred fifty people gathered from 13 countries to stand with Switzerland in releasing worship to the Lord. A time of deep repentance was given for national sins, asking God for his mercy and cleansing.
Switzerland known for neutrality had spread to the church in Switzerland also. The Swiss Prayer Warriors raised their WORSHIP BANNER and declared after much repentance, “they are not neutral Christians but Prayer Warriors for Christ!”
As worship was offered using PRAISE AND WORSHIP BANNERS AND FLAGS and the music streamed out the windows many moved outside in the grassy field with freedom of worship. Banners in hand, prayer warriors descended the Alps Mountain to the Birthplace of Switzerland, Rutli. Prayer was offered up for the Swiss people to walk out their destiny as a nation. Leaving Rutli we boarded a ferry boat, everyone raised their banners with a great display of worship to the Lord. Curious bystanders watched and asked questions giving us an opportunity to witness for the Lord. As I raised my Swiss banner, stating the Glory of the Lord Shall Cover Switzerland, a Swiss man on the upper deck yelled down to me, YES with his arm raised to heaven! Pentecost morning worshipers gathered with prophetic acts forming a square which represented the north, south, east and west of Switzerland. Opposite sides came together and blessed each other laying the Banner pole on their counterpart’s shoulder; decreeing they would fulfill their God given destiny.
Sarnia Aglow leaders were deeply touched and overwhelmed by the presentation of the HIGH PRAISE BANNERS Canadian Flag. Their hearts long to see the glory of God cover Canada, so with joy they received the Canadian Banner depicting it. At the end of the meeting one of the ladies running for a political office in the upcoming Canadian election asked that the Canadian WORSHIP Banner be placed as a canopy over her, while the ladies offered up prayer.
As I wave my PRAISE WORSHIP BANNER, it becomes an extension of myself. At that moment what is on my heart toward the Lord seems to come through the Banner in worship. I believe once the banner is engaged with the worshipper, what is portrayed on the banner is activated and speaks directly to the Lord. It gives one a sense of empowerment to be able to magnify the Lord in a greater way. And of course the great benefit of worshipping the Lord is the release of peace and joy, because of the many blessings He pours back on the worshipper. My greatest joy is to worship the Lord! O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3
The alarm was sounded and intercession went up for the United States, and Israel, at Shain Park in Birmingham,Michigan.
HIGH PRAISE WORSHIP BANNERS AND WORSHIP FLAGS were used for this event. It was a blessing to see people pick up HIGH PRAISE WORSHIP BANNERS AND WORSHIP FLAGS, perhaps that they were not accustom to using before, to accentuate their prayers to the Community and all of Heaven. That we were the body of Christ, humbling ourselves, repenting for our sins and the sins of our Country; believing the Lord would hear our prayers forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) We believe that God’s ears were open to our cries that went up in that place.
How Great is our God! Yes, as I created the Ribbon/Streamer for Christian Worship and Praise Dancers it seemed to call out the names of God and be the perfect place to magnify many of the facets of Jesus. El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty),El Elyon (Most High God), Adoni (Lord Master),Jehovah Nissi (The Lord Our Banner),Jehovah Rofe (The Lord Our Healer),Jehovah Shalom(The Lord Our Peace),Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts). However I couldn’t create a Ribbon/Streamer for Christian Worship and Praise Dancers long enough to cover every quality of Our Gloious God. Christian Worshippers, Praise groups, and Dancers alike enjoy the flow and movement of this Ribbon Streamer that shouts to the atmosphere, “HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!”
I created this WORSHIP BANNER to exult the awesomeness of our God. When I lift this WORSHIP BANNER to the heavens I think about the amazing qualities of our God. Deuteronomy 10:17 NIV states: For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and who accepts no bribes. He is the Supreme King of the Universe, of which He created. His deeds are awesome. Exodus 15:11 states: Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
And then the awesomeness of the Lord is reflected in His love for all of his children. He was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, redeeming us out of the hand of the enemy. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God…For that reason alone I raise this WORSHIP BANNER to magnify our awesome Redeemer. The limitless depths of God’s love are awesome. Nehemiah 1:5 states…O LORD God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments; even to a thousand generations, how awesome is that! There are so many facets of our awesome God, even His name is awesome. The scripture states in Psalm 99:3 Let them praise your great and awesome name! Holy is he! Even His clothing is Awesomely Majestic. Job37:22 Out of the north comes golden splendor; God is clothed with awesome majesty. There are so many reasons to wave this Worship Banner for our God is Awesome!
Order Worship Banners and Worship Flags to celebrate the King of Kings for special holidays or perhaps used by your dance group. Children love flags, so consider the tiny flags for Children’s Church.The beautiful designs, of faith, scripture, and symbols will adorn your church and magnify the Lord. You will enjoy the brilliant colors of these 2- sided silk flags.