Rosh Hashanah
“Rosh Hashanah 5777: I Saw Jesus Coming Dressed As a Warrior With a Sword in His Hand”
by Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
When the Warrior King Shows Up
…With all this happening, Jesus turns up as the WARRIOR KING with sword in hand, and I see Him beginning to literally SEVER these vines(strongholds). The atmosphere was so full of His VICTORY and NOTHING was able to stand against Him or His Word. As He severs them He is declaring, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Fresh new start, waters now part, divine severance, completion and finality.”
The atmosphere around me was full of the sense of a completely new beginning. Not just in “one area” but a total overhaul and complete freedom. The Lord is coming with His sword. He is separating soul from spirit, and He is severing the vines(strongholds). What has held many of you back for so long, those continual “tugging vines” that have not relented, they are being SEVERED in this new beginning, in this fresh “NEW YEAR” according to the Jewish Calendar of 5777.This word confirms why this Sword of the Lord Worship Flag was created.
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